
A. 交易資料 及 確認交易
  • 你同意僅透過實體信用卡及結帳時所示的其他核准付款方式為機票及其他旅遊產品付費,而不透過虛擬、又或旅遊服務供應商或我方不時可能禁止的其他付款方式付款。如果客戶沒有及時付款或付清所有款項,則此客戶未履行的行為將導致其預訂被取消。如果客戶希望再次預訂同樣的服務,那麼客戶必須理解價格和條件可能會有變化。
  • 本公司會按照客人提供電郵地址,透過電郵發送將電子發票,酒店確認單(HOTEL VOUCHER)/電子機票(E-TICKET)/其他產品確認單 給客人,如果您在三個工作天內仍未收到(工作天以香港時間計算, 並不包括星期六,日及公眾假期),可能是輸入不正確電郵地址或與電郵設定有關,請即與我們聯絡。
  • 基於出入境及保安程序,請核對及確認已輸入的客人姓名及性別必須與您的旅遊證件上所顯示的姓名及性別完全相同。否則可能使客人辦理機票登機手續或酒店入住手續時受到延誤,需繳付更改費用,甚至無法成行。因客人提供不正確的資料而引致的任何損失或延誤,本公司一概不負責。
  • 網上交易的產品是由客人選擇,及其資料是由客人輸入,請核對及確認所有資料 (例如: 個人資料,產品資料-航班日期和時間/行李限額 及 條款等) 完全正確,才按「立即付款」至付款頁,交易一經確定,產品(姓名、時間、日期和/或目的地)均不能更改、取消、退款及轉讓。
  • 本公司網站的機票均為特價機票, 並附有不同的機票限制及權限。(例如: 機票可能未能預先安排座位 / 機票升級 / 賺取里數 / 辦理網上預辦登機等)
  • 我們保留憑我們的裁量決定而取消懷疑為詐騙或非法或濫用服務條款的訂單或因任何其他原因取消訂單的權利。
  • 如更改電郵地址或聯絡電話,請即與我們聯絡。
B. 交易金額
  • 客人所訂購之金額以港幣計算,信用卡最終收費會因應不同發卡銀行的手續費及換算匯率作實。
  • 若您的對賬單內含有換匯或交易手續費 (可能以外幣計算),會根據發卡銀行交易業務處理。
  • 本公司與這些額外費用並無關連,因匯率變動所衍生的費用以及發卡銀行的手續費,一概不歸屬本公司之責任。
  • 費用不包括旅遊證件及各國入境及過境簽證(如適用)
  • 優惠折扣不可與其他優惠項目同時使用。
  • 費用不包括 因私人交通阻延、罷工、颱風或其他突發情況而非本公司所能控制而引致之額外費用。
  • 費用不包括 旅遊綜合保險(如客人沒有額外選購)
B1. 機票金額
  • 一般機票價格已包括稅項及附加費,但不包括當場支付之稅項。請注意,部份國家的機場稅項需在當地辦理登機手續時支付(例如: 菲律賓)
  • 機票價格和預訂類別不斷的隨航空公司及第三方供應商作出價格變動,完成購買程序及發出機票後,方可保證機票價格。航空公司及其他旅遊供應商可能會在不知會您的情況下變更票價,並不會影響你已購買之機票價格。
  • 費用不包括超額行李 (如客人沒有額外選購)
B2. 酒店金額
  • 如客人選擇於酒店登記入住時付款,該金額以當地貨幣為準。
  • 酒店費用只包括酒店入住確認信(HOTEL VOUCHER)上列明之日期的住宿費用。
  • 費用不包括酒店保證金,酒店可能要求住客於登記櫃檯辦理入住手續時,直接支付該費用給酒店。
  • 費用不包括能源附加費,入湯費,城市建設費等額外費用。請注意,部份國家的酒店可能會於住客登記入住後,直接向客人收取相關費用。
  • 費用不包括雜費,在離開酒店之前,客人必須直接向酒店繳付所有雜費,例如觀光費、導遊費、收費電視、搬運費、客房服務、微型酒吧、小費、額外清潔服務,在酒店逗留期間的電話費等。(除特別注明外)
C. 優惠編碼
  • 優惠編碼只適用於在本公司網站上預訂,並於訂購時同時輸入才能享有優惠,不適用於任何已完成的預訂。
  • 優惠編碼並不能與其他推廣網站上的優惠同時使用。
  • 優惠編碼不適用於稅項、行政費、取消或更改之額外費用等。
  • 本公司保留修改所有優惠編碼條款及細則或終止優惠之權利而毋須事先通知。
  • 此優惠編碼不得兌換現金、不可轉讓或出售。
  • 嚴禁以不當方式使用優惠編碼;如以不當方式使用(錯誤使用/用作任何投機/虛假及詐騙性預訂/囤積預訂),我們保留權利隨時更改 或 撤回此優惠 或 取消有關預訂。
D. 旅遊證件 及 簽證及文件
  • 如果涉及任何國際旅遊目的地及轉機航班,客人有責任確保有相關的簽證或過境簽證(包括該班機所有的中途站,即便您沒有離開飛機或機場),旅遊證件有至少6個月有效期(以回程出境日期計算),並且符合領事館的要求。
  • 您必須諮詢相關大使館或領事館了解該資訊。要求可能會有不定時更變,在預訂和出發前,請主動了解及檢查最新的資訊。如果因旅客沒有攜帶航空公司、國家/地區 (包括您將要過境的國家/地區) 要求的正確的護照、簽證或其他證件,造成您被拒絕登機或進入任何國家/地區,本公司對旅客因個人證件所產生之任何問題恕不負責。
  • 旅遊證件需有最少「兩頁全新空白內頁」以供當地移民局作出入境紀錄蓋印之用以及黏貼簽證標籤。
  • 客人必須自行申請相關入境簽證,包括該班機所有的中途站,即便您沒有離開飛機或機場。各國入境簽證之批核與否,均由各國領事館全權決定,本公司無須為客人的旅遊證件/簽證問題負上任何責任。
  • 若客人於入境時被有關當局以任何理由拒絕入境,本公司無須負上任何責任。客人因而產生的一切住宿費、飲食費及交通費等,均全部由客人自行承擔,本公司恕不負責,本公司並不會向客人發放任何形式的補償或賠償。
  • 建議的疫苗接種可能隨時有所變更,您應在出發前諮詢醫生,了解目前推薦的接種。您應負責確保您獲得建議的接種、攜帶所有建議的藥物及有效的証明文件,並遵循與旅遊相關的醫療建議及限制。
E. 一般條款
  • 若遇突發事件(例如: 颱風、暴雨警告、自然天災、政治動亂或疫症等),旅客應注意新聞廣播或或致電到有關航空公司/酒店,以確認是否有任何更改或取消事宜,如酒店/航班運作正常,則需如期入住酒店/出發及於指定時間抵達機場辦理登機手續。如因以上情況而導致任何額外費用如酒店住宿、交通費、長途電話費等,本公司恕不負責。
  • 由酒店或航空公司疏忽所引致的一切直接或間接損失,本公司一概不負責。產品或服務之條款及細則,均以酒店或航空公司最後公佈為準。
  • Guyguide Limited明確保留糾正我們網站上的價格錯誤以及暫停按照錯誤價格進行預訂的權利。如有此類情況,我們將為您提供機會以正確的價格保留已取消的預訂,或取消您的預訂,不收取手續費。Guyguide Limited並無承擔義務,而提供以錯誤 (較低) 價格為準的旅遊服務,縱使您已接獲該項預定的確認通知。
  • Guyguide Limited網站上的價格是來自不同供應商,而這些價格和預訂類別不斷的在變動。亦可能因網絡反饙速度或時區誤差引致未能及時更新價格,如果您在預訂完成後48小時內沒有收到機票或酒店入住確認信,即可能您所支付的價格不正確。我們的客戶服務人員會主動與您聯絡討論可能的替代方案。但是,Guyguide Limited保留取消預訂並退回預付旅行款項全額的權利。
  • 若遇特殊情況,如簽證受阻,當地酒店突告客滿,更改房型 航班更改飛行時間、機種或地點等,本公司或其合作夥伴無須對該等更改負任何責任,本公司得依當時情況全權盡力協助,任何因更換酒店,延期等而引致之額外支出,本公司或其供應商恕不負責。
  • 團體機票的 團體機票確認信 機票 會於出發前三至五個工作天透過電郵發出。(工作天以香港時間計算, 並不包括星期六,日及公眾假期。) 團體機票客人可能需要於機埸集合, 並繳交旅遊證件給職員 (其他航空公司代理職員) 辦理團體登機手續。
  • 航空公司鑑於外幣浮動、燃油附加費上升,所收取之燃油附加費,於確認訂單後而在出票前若有調整,客人仍需補回差價。本公司保留在旅客出發前調整費用之權利。
E1. 機票條款
  • 在預訂過程中,您必須查看票價條款及細則。
  • 所有同行旅客全程必須乘搭同一航班及一起辦理登機手續。某些優惠機票條款要求同一訂位內之所有乘客必須同時登機,如其中一位旅客沒有出發,將有機會影響其餘旅客登機,而沒有成行之旅客亦不能申請退票。
  • 大部份特惠機票/ 套票也不可享有累積飛行哩數,有關兌換飛行哩數積分計劃,須先經由航空公司確認才可作實。
  • 旅客如在旅程中自行放棄行程,餘下之費用概不發還,有關損失,本公司恕不負責。
  • 根據航空公司指引, 機票非依次序使用即告失效,故客人如因私人理由未能登機出發而需保留餘下行程之機位 ( 內陸及回程 ) ,航空公司有權向客人收取有關手續費或要求客人另購機票。
  • 未能如期登機者,本公司恕不接受任何退款要求。
  • 按航空公司規例,孕婦懷孕達28個星期或以上將被拒絕登機。如有疑問,請與航空公司聯絡,並請向醫生尋求專業協助。
  • 行程期間未滿兩歲者必須購買嬰兒機票(不佔座位),嬰兒必須在6個星期或以上方可乘搭飛機,要與成人同坐或安放在嬰兒籃,詳情亦可向航空公司查詢。
  • 行程期間滿兩歲者 行程期間未滿十二歲者 必須購買兒童機票(佔座位)
  • 有關座位的要求(特別是乘坐經濟艙),本公司並沒有權限分配座位,即使客人已預先向航空公司申請,亦不能作出任何保證。
  • 有關客人'特別要求'如膳食,輪椅及嬰兒籃等,本公司可按客人要求與航空公司提出申請,最終以航空公司確認為準。
E2. 酒店條款
  • 本公司網站的酒店均不能更改和取消(如酒店條款特別注明除外)。在預訂過程中,您必須查看有關條款及細則。
  • 如客人因任何原因而更改(延遲入住或提前退房)或取消此預訂,均不會獲得退款,所有已繳付之費用恕不退還或轉讓。
  • 如客人沒有根據酒店確認單(HOTEL VOUCHER)的入住日期入住第一晚 或 自行縮減入住總晚數,酒店有權取消整個預約,且不發還有關費用,酒店亦有權向客人收取有關手續費或要求客人重新訂購,本公司將不承擔任何責任。
  • 如實際入住人數與預訂入住人數不符,酒店有權取消整個預約,且不發還有關費用,酒店亦有權向客人收取有關手續費或要求客人重新訂購,本公司將不承擔任何責任。
  • 如客人沒有與本公司確認預訂變更,整個預訂可能遭取消,本公司亦只能按照預約中的條款和限制進行退款。
  • 入住時間 退房時間 以酒店公佈為準,如客人提前入住或延遲退房,酒店有權向客人收取附加費。
  • 酒店規定客房預訂一般保留至入住當天的下午6時正(當地時間),過時不予保留。
  • 如超過預訂酒店時之人數,需要有額外住客,酒店會依照其規定收取額外費用 拒絕額外住客入住,如客人自行放棄酒店住宿,而已付的酒店費用將不會被發還。
  • 請於訂購時列明任何特別要求 (例如:延遲入住、不接受地下的客房等),請注意,酒店會盡量迎合客人的要求,但所有特別要求都只能按入住時房間的供應情況而定,如酒店未能達到客人的特別要求),客人不可藉此要求退款 或 賠償。
  • 客人入住時,必須出示附有照片之旅遊證件/身份證明文件,以及提供信用卡或現金以支付酒店保證金。
  • 如客人對酒店所提供的房間種類或服務有任何不滿,客人需自行並即時向酒店反映有關情況及 直接向酒店作出追討,有關事情本公司恕不負責。
  • 購買時會透過客人的信用卡收取總費用。收到全額付款之後,酒店才能為您保證價格與保留客房。
  • 部份酒店要求我們等到入住日的前 7 天才提交客人姓名。在這種情況下,您的酒店客房都已經預訂好,但酒店的檔案中還沒有記錄客人的姓名。
  • 酒店規定,客人必須至少年滿 18 歲方可辦理入住手續。個別國家(如韓國) 除外,詳細資訊請直接向酒店查詢。
  • 如客人未滿18歲而未有與父母同行,其訂房須待酒店覆核作實,如不獲酒店接受訂房,本公司將取消該訂房。
  • 酒店不接受特殊用途(例如: 結婚房、招聘等)的訂房。
  • 本公司有權取消任何以虛假名字預訂酒店房間之訂單。
  • 本公司網站內所列出的預訂房間價格,只為酒店坐落位置之國家或地區以外之人士而設,該預訂房間價格並不適用於酒店坐落位置之國家或地區以內或任何以當地身份證或旅遊證件登記入住之人。 (例如︰本公司網站內所列出位於中華人民共和國香港特別行政區/香港)以內之酒店的預訂房間價格,並不適用於任何以香港身份證或以特區護照登記入住之人士)。如有任何疑問,請先向本公司查詢。
  • 客人必須遵守酒店所訂的一切規則,包括但不限於不得擅自更改或損壞酒店之任何設施。酒店有權採取一切法律行動向酒店住客追討因酒店客人違反任何酒店之規則而引致的一切損失。
  • 若酒店客人於酒店之非吸煙範圍內吸煙,酒店有權在酒店住客的保證金內扣取相關金額作為罰款 有權向客人收取有關罰款。
  • 若酒店客人於酒店之非吸煙範圍內吸煙,而違反當地政府之控煙法例,酒店客人有可能會被有關當局起訴。因此,本公司建議客人於入住酒店前,應先查詢酒店及當地政府相關之控煙措施及法例。
  • 部份國家沒有相關的審核機構或官方系統來鑑定或分類酒店星級,亦可能沒有明確的制度或條文來提供酒店星級的參考標準或對照,因此,酒店的星級標準可能因不同國家的規定而略有差異。
  • 如客人自行與酒店或第三方供應商更改姓名,酒店或第三方供應商有權將已預訂之酒店房間取消並重新進行訂房手續,而無須發還任何已繳交之費用,一切保險、責任賠償、行為後果等均由客人自行承擔。
  • 延住不保證有房,具體以酒店最終確認為準。
  • 延住價格可能有變,具體以預訂員確認價格為準。
F. 機票產品詳情
F1. 航班資料顯示方式 及 航班變更/取消事宜
  • 部份航空公司會因應實際情况,保留作出更改或取消航班的權利,本公司作為代理,對有關更改或取消,恕不負責。
  • 特價機票可能不是直航班機,部份可能需要中途停泊。航班將被描述在旅程中是不需要轉換飛機,不過,途中可能需要加油,或讓客人上/ 落。有關預訂航班會否停站之詳情,會列明在網站和您的電子機票。
  • 時間以24小時時鐘系統顯示,航班依據當地起飛時間。會顯示實際飛行時間,飛機型號、天氣情况(不包括在途中停泊時間、停站時間或轉機時間),有關指引僅供旅客作參考,可能會因實際情況而有所變動。
  • 所有航班時間均需依據民航局最終批核為準。
F2. 機位確認 及 辦理登機手續
  • 旅客必須出示有效之旅遊證件/簽證及身份證, 並於航班起飛前最少3小時到達機場辦理登機手續,辦理登機手續櫃位將於起飛時間前60分鐘關閉(確實時間以航空公司為準)
  • 請列印並攜同此電子機票及有效期之旅遊證件/簽證至機場辦理登機手續。
  • 部份航空公司要求客人在72小時之前再次確認回程/下一個目的地航班,未能與航空公司確認航班會導致取消。
  • 大部分航空公司於出發前2-48小時內提供網上預辦登機服務,旅客可於所乘之航空公司官方網站登入航空公司訂位代號或電子機票號作管理。
  • 客人於辦理登機手續後,須按航空公司指定時間前抵達登機閘口,航空公司及本公司不會為遲到之客人作任何安排及承擔責任。
F3. 機票更改 (如機票條款/航空公司允許更改航班日期/時間, 再次發出電子機票 或 更改客人姓名及性別)
  • 訂位確認後如有任何更改,必須先獲航空公司及或供應商授權確認及繳付其所需之手續費。本公司將額外按次收取每張機票的行政費為港幣500元正。
  • 如果旅客使用的航空機票上的姓名不正確,可能會導致航空公司拒絕登機。如航空公司允許修改姓名,客人需在指定日期和時間前支付額外費用及完成更改,否則整個訂單的機位可能會被航空公司取消。機位取消所產生之其他額外費用(重新發出機票費,機票差價等),本公司概不負責。
  • 如機票條款/航空公司允許更改(更改航班日期/時間,再次發出電子機票或修改客人姓名及性別), 除航空公司及航空公司代理(第三方供應商)收取的費用外,本公司將額外按次收取每張機票的行政費為港幣500元正。
  • 一切之日期更改除指定之改日期費用外,客人可能需另付票價差額 (例如淡旺季,週中週未、不同艙位之票價差額)。客人須自行負責因更改日期所涉及之額外費用,即使更改機票後之總價比原總價較低,差額亦不作退款,而能否成功更改日期,則視乎當時機位及航班供應情況而決定,航空公司有權拒絕作任何更改,或保留拒絕登機之最終決定權。所有更改必須在原定出發日期前最少3個工作天 透過電郵查詢及提交更改要求(工作天以香港時間計算, 並不包括星期六,日及公眾假期)
  • 所有機票必須在原定出發日期前最少3個工作天 完成更改(使機票重新有效 或 重新發出新的電子機票), 否則客人可能需支付航空公司額外之「誤機費用」(No-Show Fee)
  • 若遇上非辦公時間及公眾假期,請客人直接聯絡有關航空公司尋找緊急協助。
  • 附有乘客人數限制條款的優惠機票,申請改期時必須是訂位內的全部乘客一同更改。
  • 如有其他特殊情況及逼不得已事項 (例如: 因天氣/航空管制/維修等問題而更改 等),所產生之其他額外費用,本公司概不負責。
  • 本公司不會因客人未能了解當中條款限制,及因未能更改或取消而承擔責任。
F4. 機票退票 (如機票條款/航空公司允許退票)
  • 訂位確認後如需提出申請退票,必須先獲航空公司及或供應商授權確認及扣除航空公司規定的罰金,供應商之手續費及及本公司代辦退票的行政費(按次收取每張機票港幣600元正)
  • 所有退票必須於原定出發日期前最少三個工作天透過電郵查詢及提交退票要求(工作天以香港時間計算, 並不包括星期六,日及公眾假期)
  • 如客人未能如期出發, 客人必須於原定出發日期前最少三個工作天取消機位,否則客人可能需承擔或支付航空公司額外之「誤機費用」(No-Show Fee)
  • 如需在未清楚機票條款下取消機位, 請利用電郵通知本公司 "訂單編號SR000XXXXXXX - 同意在未清楚機票條款下取消 所有乘客的機位"
  • 附有乘客人數限制條款的優惠機票,申請機票退款時必須是訂位內的全部乘客一同辦理退票。
  • 若遇上非辦公時間及公眾假期,請客人直接聯絡有關航空公司要求取消機位/向有關航空公司尋找緊急協助。
  • 退款時並非全額退費,款項必須扣除航空公司規定的罰金, 航空公司代理(第三方供應商)的手續費及本公司代辦退票的行政費(按次收取每張機票港幣600元正)(詳情請參照本公司的服務收費)
  • 航空公司和航空公司代理(第三方供應商)對於任何取消事項,可能收取之相關手續費時,則由客人負責 (如適用)
  • 退還款項皆以港幣為準。如以外幣退還款項, 匯率及銀行手續費或產生其他之額外費用, 需由客人自行承擔。
  • 當機票無退票價值或退票金額不足以支付退票手續費或其他罰金時,燃油附加費(YR/YQ)及其他稅項如有餘額,將用於扣抵退票手續費或其他罰金。
  • 取消事項的收費標準,概以確認取消當日之價格為準。
  • 申請退票起計算,退還款項需時約最少4-6個月,詳情以實際退票時間為準。
  • 退款必須待航空公司或供應商成功退回費用後,由本公司向銀行提交退款申請。
  • 自訂單日起1年內必須辦理退票申請,如逾期將視為自動放棄退票申請。
  • 如有其他特殊情況及逼不得已事項 (例如: 因天氣/航空管制/維修等問題而取消等),所產生之其他額外費用 及 退票時間或會延長等問題,本公司概不負責。
  • 有關退票的處理,部份航空公司或機票供應商有可能僅以旅遊代金券的方式替代退款,實際退款方式以航空公司及供應商最終決定為準。如有其他附帶條款及限制,則以航空公司或供應商的最終通知作實,本公司概不負責。
  • Guyguide Limited 在因為不可抗力情況下而無法履行退款金額時不承擔任何責任。不可抗力情況包含但不限於在發生不可預見且不能避免、並且已經採取所有合理預防措施的情況,而因此無法履行義務。具體來說,不可抗力情況一般是指運輸工具機械故障、天氣條件因素、疫情影響、交通壅塞、行業活動、戰爭、暴動、恐怖分子威脅、封鎖、錯失聯程航班、超額訂位元、服務供應商出現財務問題、服務供應商變更或取消行程所造成的延誤。本公司僅將收到之退款金額但不大於原定退款金額退回給客人。
  • 本公司不會因客人未能了解當中條款限制,及因未能更改或取消而承擔責任。
F5. 機票服務收費
  • 如機票條款/航空公司允許更改(更改航班日期/時間,再次發出電子機票或修改客人姓名及性別), 除航空公司及航空公司代理(第三方供應商)收取的費用外,本公司將額外按次收取每張機票行政費為港幣500元正。
  • 如機票條款/航空公司允許退票, 除航空公司及航空公司代理(第三方供應商)收取的費用外,本公司將額外收取每張機票行政費為港幣600元正。
  • 其他服務 (例如: 預先繳付超額行李費/代辦申請網上辦理登機/機票升級 經濟艙升級至商務艙/郵寄發票及電子機票/退回客人額外繳付的費用 等) 本公司將按次收取每張機票的行政費費為港幣500元正 (視乎何者適用而定)
F6. 酒店服務收費
  • 如客人選擇訂購的房間交易為非免費取消房型,在酒店條款許可下,除了酒店及代理收取的手續費外,本公司將額外收取每間客房或每次的行政費費為港幣500元正。客人必須在原定入住日期前最少三個工作天透過電郵查詢及提交更改/取消要求(工作天以香港時間計算, 並不包括星期六,日及公眾假期)
    A. 更改交易條款、酒店入住日期或房型
    B. 辦理更改酒店房型的再確認手續
    C. 酒店退款
    D. 更改客人訂房紀錄內的客人名稱

Ticket / Hotel / Tourism products Policy
A. Information of transaction and confirmation transaction
  • E-ticket/Hotel Voucher/ will be emailed to register email address within 3 working days (Counted as Hong Kong Time, not included Saturday, Sunday and Public holiday; if you do not receive the E-ticket/Hotel Voucher/Other Product Confirmation, perhaps because of an incorrect e-mail address or your e-mail settings, you must notify us immediately.
  • Please check and confirm the customer's name is exactly the same as the name on the travel document. Otherwise, may delay your check-in procedure and pay to rebook fee and even cannot the departure/Check-in the hotel. Customer provides incorrect information to cause any loss and delay; Guyguide Limitedshall not be responsible.
  • All online transaction products are selected by the customer, and the transaction information is inputted by the customers, please check and confirm all information (such as personal information, product information – flight date and time/baggage allowance and terms etc.) is correct before clicking the button of "pay now". Once the transaction is completed, travel product cannot be changed, canceled, refunded or transferred.
  • All ticket sold on our website are promotion ticket, it has different restrictions and right. (such as not allow pre-reserved the seats / upselling the ticket / earn the miles / online check-in etc.)
  • E-ticket/Hotel Voucher will be emailed to register email address within 3 working days (Counted as Hong Kong Time, not included Saturday, Sunday and Public holiday; if you do not receive the E-ticket/Hotel Voucher, perhaps because of an incorrect e-mail address or your e-mail settings, you must notify us immediately.
  • If you change your e-mail address or contact number, please inform us.
  • We reserve the right to cancel orders that are suspected of fraud, abuse our Terms of Service, or for any other reason at our discretion.
B. Transaction amount
  • Price quoted is in Hong Kong Dollar. If the customer pays by credit card the final cost will depend on issuing bank exchange rate/charge and the bank handling charge.
  • If your bank statement includes exchange and handling charge (May calculate foreign currency), will according to the issuing bank to manage.
  • All these extra costs which caused by the cost of exchange rate changes and the issuing bank fees will not involve with Guyguide Limited Ltd.com.
  • Price quoted does not include travel documents fee, national immigration and transit visa, where applicable.
  • All special discounts cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotions.
  • Price does not include charges as the result of private transport delays, strikes, typhoon or any unexpected situations, which are beyond our control.
  • Price quoted does not include travel insurance (If customer does not additional purchase).
B1. Transaction amount of Air Ticket
  • Taxes and surcharges are generally included in the price. There may be exceptions where tax must be paid locally upon check-in. Please note that the airport tax in some countries will need to be paid locally upon check-in (Such as Philippines)
  • Price quoted does not include excess baggage charges (If customer does not additional purchase).
B2. Transaction amount of Hotel
  • Price quoted is in local currency if the customers select paying the price on hotel check-in counter.
  • The price is includes the accommodation fee which is valid in the date shown on hotel voucher.
  • Price not included the hotel deposit, hotel may request customer pay it when you process the check in.
  • Price not included extra Energy surcharge, hot spring tax, and urban construction fee. Please note that, some countries of hotel will directly ask for customer to pay when customer do the check in.
  • The fee does not include incidental charges. Before leaving the hotel, customer must pay all incidental charges directly to the hotel, such as sightseeing fees, tour guide fees, pay television programme service, removal fees, room service, mini-bars, gratuities, extra cleaning services, and telephone charges etc. (Unless otherwise specified)
C. Promotion code
  • Promotion code only can use to our website (Guyguide Limited.hk) online reservation; customer need to use the promotion code during the booking process, promotion code is not applicable for any completed booking.
  • Promotion Code cannot be used in combination with other promotions.
  • Promotion Code does not apply to taxes, administration fees, and penalties for cancellation, amendment or other fees.
  • Guyguide Limitedreserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions of promotion code and to terminate the promotion without prior notice.
  • Promotion Code not allows redeem to cash, and cannot be transferred or sold.
  • Improper use of the Promotion Code by you is prohibited and could be construed as fraud. We reserve the right to change or withdraw this offer at any time. And we reserve the right to cancel any bookings made where the Promotion Code has been used to make any speculative, false or fraudulent bookings or any bookings in anticipation of demand or wrong usage the Promotion code.
D. Travel documents and Visa
  • If travel involves any international destination, all customers are required to ensure their have the relevant visa or transit visa and travel documents for at least 6 months validity (Counted by the returning date), and fulfill consulate's requirement.
  • Travelers must hold a validity entry visa; Guyguide Limitedwill not take any responsibility on problems that held by any personal documents.
  • Travel documents must have at least "two blink pages" for local immigration office for taking entrance stamps and sticking entrance visa labels.
  • The customers must apply for relevant entry visa by you. The approval of entry visa is solely determined by the consulates of all countries. We are not responsible for any problem in relation to or arising out of your entry visa.
  • If the relevant authority refuses the customer to enter the country, we are not responsible for any expenses including but not limited to accommodation, food, and transportation incurred by the customer. We do not assume any responsibility for any loss, Guyguide Limiteddoes not pay any compensation or damages to the customer.
E. General condition
  • In the case of unexpected incidents such as typhoons, rainstorms, natural disasters, political unrest or epidemic, the customer should pay attention to news broadcasts or contact the airline/hotel to confirm whether there is any change or cancellation of the airline flight/hotel. As hotel/flight operating normally please follow normal check-in procedure. Guyguide Limitedshall not be responsible for any additional costs such as hotel accommodation, transportation fees, long distance telephone charges, as a result of the incidents mentioned above.
  • Any loss caused by hotel/airline directly or indirectly, Guyguide Limited Ltd. wills irresponsibility.
  • Product or service terms and conditions are subject to hotel/ airline latest announcement.
  • Guyguide Limitedreserves the right to amend the pricing or discontinue the reservation of pricing problem. In this situation, Guyguide Limitedwill reserve or discontinue customer's booking and without handling charge.
  • Prices quoted on the website are provided from difference supplier, it may not be updated daily. The customer may verify actual prices during the booking process.
  • In any special circumstances, such as the visa delay, hotel overbooked, change the hotel room type or change the flight schedule etc. Guyguide Limitedor its business partner does not bear any responsibility for such changes. Guyguide Limitedwill make every effort to deal with any situation, however, Guyguide Limitedor its delegate agency will not be responsible for any cost arises from such circumstances or change hotel.
  • The group ticket's confirmation letter or electronic ticket will send to registered email before departure 3-5 working days. (Counted as Hong Kong Time, not included Saturday, Sunday and Public holiday) The group ticket customer may require to gather at the airport and provide the travel documents to staff (other travel agency staff) for group check-in process.
  • In view of foreign currency fluctuations, increasing fuel surcharges, Guyguide Limitedreserves the right to adjust the cost and charge the passengers before departure. If there is an increase in fuel surcharge between after booking confirmed and before issue the ticket, the passenger will be responsible for the additional charge.
E1. Air Ticket Condition
  • Once the transaction is completed, the ticket cannot be changed, cancelled, refunded or transferred. Customers must examine the ticket's term and condition when they make reservation in Guyguide Limited Ltd.com.
  • All accompanied customers must travel on the same flights and check-in together in the whole journey.
  • In most cases, accumulated Mileage award scheme is not applicable to discounted air-ticket / package. All Mileage Award scheme redemption must be approved and confirmed by the airline.
  • If the customer chooses to forfeit the scheduled flight on his/ her own during the journey, the unused portion is not refundable and customer can do so at his/her own risk. Guyguide Limitedis clear of any liability.
  • According to airline policy, flight segment should be used in predetermined sequence; otherwise, the air-ticket will become invalid. If the customer has the personal reason to reserve the rest of itinerary (such as domestic flight and return flight), airlines reserve the right to charge the extra fee or request customers to purchase another ticket.
  • Those who fail to check-in on schedule, Guyguide Limitedshall not accept any refund request.
  • Airline regulations disallow female customer, who will be 28 weeks into her pregnancy or more on the date of travel. If you have any question, please check with the concerned airline and consult your doctor.
  • Under 2 years old for the duration of the journey need to purchase the Infant Ticket (No Seat), Infants must be at least 6 weeks old to travel by air and must either sit on an adult's lap or in the baby cot. Please contact the airline for details.
  • Children aged 2 years above, and less than 12 years old during of the journey, must purchase the Child Ticket.
  • For seat assignment request (especially in economy class), Guyguide Limitedhas no authority request and cannot make the guarantee, even for the in-advance request with the airline directly.
  • Guyguide Limitedwill assist the customer request the special meals, wheelchair, baby cot etc. But is it subject to the airline for final approval.
E2. Hotel Condition
  • All the hotel reservation on our website will not accept change and cancel. (expect the hotel condition special Listed) Customer must check the terms and condition during the booking process.
  • If customers request change the booking for any reason (Late check in or early check out) or cancel the booking, customer will not receive the refund; all paid amount will not refund to customer or not allow transfer.
  • If you are unable according to the Hotel Voucher to check-in your hotel for the first night or reduce the total night(s) of your accommodation by yourself, hotel reserved the right to cancel your booking and not refund any amount to customer, hotel also reserved right to ask for customer pay the extra handling fee or request customer to re-order the booking, Guyguide Limited will not be responsible for this.
  • If the number of the customer not same with the our booking's number of customer, hotel reserved the right to cancel your booking and not refund any amount to customer, hotel also reserved the right to ask for customer pay the extra handling fee or request customer to re-order the booking, Guyguide Limited will not be responsible for this.
  • If the customer does not confirm your request for any change of your hotel booking with us, the reservations may be cancelled. We shall process your refund application in accordance with the terms set forth for cancellation.
  • The check in time and check out time subject to hotel announcement, if customers early check in or late check-out, hotel reserved the right to ask the customer for the extra fee.
  • Hotel reservations are generally reserved until 6:00 pm (local time) on the day of check-in. behind time are not reserved.
  • If the number of customer are more that our booking's number of customer, and the customer required add the extra customer, additional fees will be charged according to its regulations or additional customer will be refused to check-in, if you give up your hotel, the hotel amount paid will not be refunded.
  • Please specify any special requirements when ordering (for example: late check-in, room not accepting ground floor, etc.) Please note that the hotel will try to cater to customers' requests, but all special requests can only be made according to room availability at the time of check-in. If the hotel fails to meet the special requirements of the customers, customers are not allowed to request a refund or compensation.
  • Customers must show a photo Travel document/ID card when process the check-in, and provide a credit card or cash to paying the hotel deposit.
  • If customers are dissatisfied with the type of room or service provided by the hotel, Customers need to report the situation to the hotel on their own immediate or recover directly from the hotel, we do not assume any responsibility for this.
  • The total cost will be charged to your credit card at the time of purchase. After receiving the full payment, the hotel can guarantee the price and reserve the room for you.
  • Some hotels require us submit the customer's name 7 days before the check-in date. In this case, your hotel rooms are already booked. However, the name of the customer has not been recorded in the hotel's file.
  • The hotel requires that customers must be at least 18 years old to check-in. except in some countries (such as Korea), for more details, please check with the airline directly.
  • If customers are under 18, they have not been with their parents, the reservation needs to be verified by the hotel, if the hotel not accepted the reservation, we reserve the right to cancel the booking.
  • Hotel will not accept booking for the any special purpose. (For example: wedding or recruitment)
  • Guyguide Limited received the right to cancel all the booking using a fake name.
  • The room rates listed on the company's website is only for those outside the country where the hotel is located. The room price does not apply to the country where the hotel is located or any local ID or Travel documents check-in person. (The price of a room reserved for a hotel within the Hong Kong SAR of the People's Republic of China/Hong Kong, for example, as set out on the company's website does not apply to any person registered as a Hong Kong identity card or a HKSAR passport). If you have any questions, please contact us first.
  • Customers must obey all rules set by the hotel, Including but not limited to unauthorized alteration or damage to any facilities of the hotel, The hotel has the right to take all legal actions to recover from the hotel customers all losses caused by the hotel customers' violation of any hotel rules.
  • If a hotel customer smokes in a non-smoking area of the hotel, the hotel reserves the right to deduct the relevant amount from the hotel customer's deposit as a fine or to have the right to collect the relevant penalty from the customer.
  • If a hotel customer smokes in a non-smoking area of the hotel and violates the local government's tobacco control laws, hotel customers may be prosecuted by relevant authorities. Therefore, the company advises customers to check with the hotel and the local government about smoking control measures and laws before checking into the hotel.
  • Some countries do not have relevant auditing agencies or official systems to identify or classify hotel stars level. There may also be no clear system or provision to provide reference standards or comparisons of hotel stars. Therefore, hotel star ratings may vary from country to country. The regulations are slightly different.
  • If you change your name with the hotel or a third party by yourself, the hotel or a third party has the right to cancel the hotel reservation and re-book the room without reimbursing any fees paid, all insurance, liability; the behavioral consequences are the responsibility of the customers.
  • The extension does not guarantee the existence of the room, which is subject to the final confirmation of the hotel.
  • The price of the extended stay may change. The specific price of the reservation shall prevail.
F. Air Ticket Details
F1. Flight information display and Flight change/cancellation
  • In addition, some airlines reserve the right to make changes or cancellation of confirmed booking. Guyguide Limitedas an Agent is not responsible for such changes or cancellations.
  • The special ticket may not take the most direct route. Some itineraries require a change of aircraft en-route. A flight that is described as direct is one where there is no need to change aircraft during the journey. However, stops may be made en-route for re-fueling or to let customers on and/or off. Details of any stops will be given during your booking process and are clearly identified both on the Website and on your itinerary which will be sent to you when you confirm your booking.
  • Local departure time shown is on a 24 hour time system. The actual flying time, aircraft type, weather conditions (not including on the ground parking, stop-over time or transfer time) will also be shown. The guidelines are for reference and subject to alteration and confirmation.
  • All flight schedules will be subject to the final decision of the Civil Aviation Department.
F2. Position confirmation and boarding procedure
  • Travelers must show their valid travel documents/visa and Hong Kong identity card, and reported to the specified airline counter for at least 3 hours before departure, airline counters usually closed around 60 minutes before departure (Exact time please refer to different airlines). - Please print out and bring along with the electronic ticket and also bring along with the valid travel documents/VISA to the airport for check in. - Please note that some of the airlines are required travelers to re-confirm their returning flight/next flight 72 hours before departure, if travelers fail to do so, the arranged itinerary might be cancelled by airlines. - After check in, travelers are required to proceed to the specified boarding gate on time; Airline and Guyguide Limitedwill not take any responsibility and arrangement on any late shows travelers.
F3. Ticket amendment (If air ticket term and condition allows/Airline accepted any time change/flight change, reissue electronic ticket or amendment on customer name and gender.)
  • If the airline approval name change, the customer required pay the extra cost and complete the change before specified date and time, otherwise the seats of whole booking may cancel by the airline. Guyguide Limitedwill not take responsibilities of any extra costs (E.g. reissue fee, fare difference etc.) for seat cancel.
  • All any changes arrangements must send the email to us at least 3 working days before original departure date (Counted as Hong Kong Time, not included Saturday, Sunday and Public holiday).
  • All tickets must be completed the change (revalidated/reissued) before the original flight date/time at least 3 working days. Otherwise, the traveler might have to pay the airline's extra No-Show Fee.
  • During non-office hour and public holidays, travelers are suggested to contact specified Airline directly for urgent assistant.
  • For any changes, travelers are required to pay the Airline changing fee, Airline agency (Third Party) handling fee and Guyguide Limitedadministrative fee(Details refer to our Service Fee).
  • According to any force majeure issue (E.g. cancellation based on weather, repairing or air traffic control etc.), Guyguide Limitedwill not take responsibilities of any extra costs.
F4. Air Ticket Refund (If the air ticket term and condition allows/airline accept refund)
  • All refund arrangements must send the email to us at least 3 working days before original departure date (Counted as Hong Kong Time, not included Saturday, Sunday and Public holiday).
  • If the traveler is confirmed unable to travel, the traveler is required to cancel seats at least 3 working days before original departure, otherwise, the traveler might have to pay the airline's extra No-Show Fee.
  • Please inform us by email that you agree to cancel the seats of Booking number SR000XXXXXXX under the uncertain the ticket term and conditions, where applicable.
  • During non-office hour and public holidays, travelers are suggested to contact specified Airline directly for canceling the seats/urgent assistant.
  • Refund cannot be fully refunded; the refund amount will be deducted by Airline's cancellation penalty, Airline agency (Third Party) handling fee, Guyguide Limitedadministrative fee and credit card handling charges. (Details please refer to the Service Fee of Air Ticket)
  • All of the cancellation, the airline and the airline agency (Third Party) may charge relevant charges; in this case, the customer will have to take the responsibility on the mentioned charges (If applicable).
  • All refund amounts are counted as Hong Kong Dollars. If willing to change to foreign currency, customers are required to take the responsibility for the bank charges, exchange rates or other extra fees.
  • When applying for a refund, if the refund amount is less than the cancellation penalty, the remaining fuel surcharges (YR/YQ) and the taxes will be used as counteracting the difference.
  • All cancellation fees are subject to the exact cancellation date.
  • Starting from the refund application date, due to the balance account with IATA BSP, the refund procedure will take around 4 to 6 months, details subject to the exact refund date. After Guyguide Limited Ltd. received the refund amount, the refund amount will return to the customer as soon as possible.
  • Refund must be applied within one year from booking date.
  • According to any force majeure issue (E.g. cancellation based on weather, repairing or air traffic control etc.), Guyguide Limitedwill not take responsibilities of any extra charges and extra time on ticket refund.
  • Regarding the handling of refunds, some airlines or ticket suppliers may only use "Travel vouchers" instead of refunds. The actual method can only be determined after the airline or ticketing agency completes the refund. If there are other incidental terms and restrictions, the final notice of the airline or ticketing agency shall be used for confirmation, and Guyguide Limited shall not be responsible.
F5. Service fee of Air Ticket
  • If the air ticket term and condition allows/airline accept change (flight change/time change/date change, reissue electronic ticket or amendment on customer name and gender.), upon airline and airline agency (Third party) charges, we will also charge an administrative fee HKD600 for each ticket/transaction.
  • If the air ticket term and condition allows/airline accept refund, upon airline and airline agency (Third party) charges, we will also charge an administrative fee HKD600 for each ticket/transaction & deduct credit card handling charges.
  • Other services (E.g. pre-pay extra luggage fee/online check-in/upgrade booking class {E.g. Economy to Business}/mailing official receipt & electronic ticket/Refund the extra amount), Guyguide Limitedwill charge an administrative fee HKD600 for each ticket/transaction (If applicable).
F6. Service fee of Hotel
  • If the customer chooses to order the room transaction as a non-free cancellation room type, under the hotel terms and conditions, in addition to the fee charged by the hotel, agency (Third party) charges, we will also charge an administrative fee HKD500 for each hotel room/transaction. All change/refund arrangements must send the email to us at least 3 working days before original check-in date (Counted as Hong Kong Time, not included Saturday, Sunday and Public holiday).
    a. Change transaction terms, hotel check-in date or room type
    b. Apply for reconfirmation of hotel room type change
    c. hotel refunds
    d. Change customer name under the booking record